Digital Boards for Remote Teaching: Best Practices and Tips

Keeping your students engaged is hard, especially in remote settings.

How many times did you notice some of your students sneakily turning off their cameras to get some sleep? It probably happened too often for you to count.

So, how do you enhance your remote teaching? Using an interactive flat panel is the answer.

Don’t let distance hinder your impact. Read on to discover how remote teaching boards can make the difference in your online classroom.

Interactive Display for Remote Teaching: Best Practices

In this section, we’ll go over several interactive panel usage tips in remote education, broken down into several key areas.

Setup Preparation

Before starting remote lessons with an interactive flat panel, proper setup is crucial. Begin by ensuring the interactive flat panel is properly installed and connected to your computer.

Install any necessary software that comes with the panel. Next, check that your internet connection is stable and fast enough to support live streaming and interactive activities.

Familiarise yourself with the functions of the interactive flat panel by watching tutorials or reading the manual to understand how to use it effectively.

Finally, conduct a test session to check audio, video, and interactive features. This will help you troubleshoot any issues before the actual lesson.

Engagement and Interactions

An interactive display for classrooms can significantly enhance student engagement and interaction during remote lessons.
Here’s how:

  • Utilise the touch screen: Write notes, draw diagrams, and highlight key points in real-time to make lessons more dynamic and visually appealing.
  • Use multimedia: Incorporate videos, animations, and interactive quizzes to keep students engaged throughout the class.
  • Encourage participation: Ask students to solve problems, answer questions, and contribute to discussions directly on the panel.
  • Give immediate feedback: This method helps students understand their mistakes and learn more effectively.

Technical Considerations

Unlike traditional boards, interactive flat panels are powered by technology. From time to time, technology experiences errors, glitches, and downtime.

Further Reading

Learn more about the differences between interactive flat panels vs traditional boards.

So, if you want to ensure a smooth teaching experience, pay attention to the following technical aspects:

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the interactive flat panel is compatible with your teaching platform, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Classroom.
  • Software updates: Regularly update the software to the latest version to access new features and security improvements.
  • Troubleshooting: Be ready to handle technical issues that may arise. For example, you can prepare a secondary device before class in case something goes wrong.
  • Security: Ensure that your sessions are secure to protect students’ privacy and data. Use passwords and secure links for meetings.

Follow Up Feedback

After the lesson, gather feedback to improve future sessions.

Ask students to complete short surveys about their experience to help you understand what worked well and what needs improvement.

Analyse student performance and participation to identify areas where they struggled and plan additional support or resources.

Use the feedback to refine your teaching methods and the use of the interactive flat panel, aiming to make each session better than the last.

Keep an open line of communication with students and parents, sharing tips on how they can make the most of the interactive lessons from their end.

Tips to Enhance Remote Teaching with Interactive Display

Here are some tips to enhance your remote teaching with interactive displays.

Always Have a Plan B

Technology can be unpredictable, so it’s crucial to have a backup plan.

Whether it’s preparing a secondary device, printed materials, or an alternative method of delivering your lesson, you must be prepared for technical difficulties.

This way, your teaching can continue smoothly even if something goes wrong with the interactive display.

Don’t Expect Perfection

Perfection is not a realistic goal when integrating new technology into your teaching.
There will be hiccups and learning curves, so accepting that things might not go exactly as planned will help you stay calm and focused.

This attitude will also encourage a positive learning environment where students feel comfortable exploring and making mistakes.

Ask for Help from Someone with Experience

If you’re new to using interactive displays, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from someone who has experience.

This could be a colleague, a tech support person, or a community of educators. Learning from their experiences can provide valuable insights and save you time and frustration.

Consult Technical Aspects with the Interactive Display Manufacturer

Interactive displays come with various features and settings that can optimise your teaching experience, but you probably missed some of the key functions.

Consulting with the IFP product distributor or reading their detailed guides provide you with a deeper understanding of these technical aspects.

With this knowledge, you can troubleshoot issues more effectively and make full use of the display’s capabilities.


These days, the transfer of knowledge from teachers to students doesn’t have to take place in classrooms.

Thanks to digital whiteboards, educators can now present lessons and foster group discussions with learners anytime, anywhere.

Investing in smart panels means investing for the future of education. So, don’t wait – contact Saptshankari today and we’ll help you choose the right flat panel model for your remote classes.

Managing Director

Harshil Trivedi, the Managing Director of Saptshankari Private Limited, specializing in supplying cutting-edge IT products such as Interactive Flat Panels, Video Walls, Integrated Command and Control Centers, IT Infrastructures, Networking Solutions, and Fire Safety Services. Saptshankari is a market leader known for its best price guarantee, with a track record of satisfying over 500 clients and trusted by more than 920 schools for their IT needs.

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