How Interactive Flat Panels Enhance Student Engagement in the Classroom

If you’re a school teacher or university lecturer, you know how tough it is to encourage student participation and engagement in the classroom. No matter how hard you try, some students seem to be more reserved than others.

The good news is, you can turn it around with an interactive board for teaching. So, what is it exactly, and how can it help you boost student engagement? Read on to find the answers.

What is an Interactive Flat Panel?

An interactive flat panel refers to a large touchscreen display commonly used for teaching, presentations, and commercial purposes.

Unlike traditional whiteboards, both teachers and students can interact with content directly on the screen using stylus pens.

Top quality interactive flat panels also support education apps and interactive tools, helping teachers create a fun learning system.

6 Ways Interactive Flat Panels Can Enhance Student Engagement

In this section, let’s explore how interactive flat panels can boost digital learning in the classroom.

1. Interactive Activities and Gamification

Interactive flat panels (IFPs) go beyond static presentations. 

Teachers can integrate educational software to create interactive activities, simulations, and games that make learning more enjoyable.

For instance, apps like ClassPoint allow you to incorporate game mechanics like points, leaderboards, and badges into PowerPoint. 

As such, students will feel more challenged to show their best efforts, leading to higher engagement.

2. Multi-Sensory Learning

Different students require different teaching styles. Some of them understand visuals better, while others may prefer reading.

Luckily, interactive boards support all sorts of multimedia content, such as videos, images, and text. This way, teachers will be able to create a multi-sensory learning experience that resonates with all students.

More importantly, IFPs enable students to draw diagrams, manipulate objects, and annotate notes on the screen, fostering a more hands-on learning approach.

3. Collaboration and Communication

A few years ago, could you imagine students working together on projects and assignments directly on the whiteboard? Probably not. 

But thanks to interactive flat panels, it is now possible. 

So, why is it important? I could think of a couple of reasons:

First, when multiple students work on the same project simultaneously, they can develop their teamwork, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. 

Some IFPs even offer remote collaboration tools, allowing students in different classrooms to work together virtually.

Second, students can use the IFP to present their work, which is a valuable experience to nurture their public speaking skills.

Further Reading

Want to learn how to utilise your digital board to its full potential? Check out these classroom tips for interactive panel usage.

4. Personalised Learning Experiences

IFPs allow teachers to personalise learning experiences by using a variety of digital resources and activities. 

For instance, struggling students can benefit from visual aids displayed on the IFP. In contrast, advanced learners can delve deeper into topics through interactive simulations or online resources.

Most panels also come with screen recording functionality, allowing students to use class recordings to study at their own pace.

5. Real-Time Assessment 

Traditional assessment methods often involve tests or assignments that students complete individually, with feedback coming later. 

IFPs, however, introduce new possibilities for immediate and real-time assessment through software like Google Jamboard.

In addition, this app also enables students to check their classmates’ work, fostering peer-to-peer review. 

By doing so, students can learn how to properly give and receive feedback, which will come in handy when they enter the workplace later on.

6. Diverse Learning Features

Interactive flat panels (IFPs) can be a game-changer for creating inclusive classrooms that cater to students with diverse learning needs.

Here are some features if interactive flat panel you can explore:

  • Text-to-speech conversion: This feature allows the IFP to convert displayed text into spoken audio. Students with visual impairments can follow along with the lesson by listening to the text being read out loud.
  • Closed captioning: IFPs can display captions for videos, presentations, or audio played through the system. This is a valuable tool for students who are dealing with hearing difficulties.
  • Screen reader compatibility: Some IFPs are compatible with screen reader software, which is used by students with visual impairments to access information on a computer screen.


Interactive flat panels are changing the way teachers present lessons. But, is it effective in improving student engagement?

Based on this article, the answer is yes. 

Every student is different, so the right teaching method also differs. 

But thanks to multimedia support, teachers can now use a wide range of learning formats that cater to all students. Those include animations, graphs, and interactive games.

Also, with features like a multi-touch screen, several students can work on the same project at the same time, fostering teamwork and collaboration.

So, are you ready to invest in an interactive flat panel? If so, contact us today and let’s set up a 30-minute call to discuss your needs.

Managing Director

Harshil Trivedi, the Managing Director of Saptshankari Private Limited, specializing in supplying cutting-edge IT products such as Interactive Flat Panels, Video Walls, Integrated Command and Control Centers, IT Infrastructures, Networking Solutions, and Fire Safety Services. Saptshankari is a market leader known for its best price guarantee, with a track record of satisfying over 500 clients and trusted by more than 920 schools for their IT needs.

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