Interactive Flat Panel Features: A Buyer’s Guide

So you’ve heard about how interactive flat panels (IFPs) are changing the game in the education and corporate sectors.

And now, you want one for yourself.

But with so many options on the market, choosing the right interactive flat panel for your needs can feel overwhelming.

Luckily, this comprehensive buyer’s guide will help you make an informed decision.

We’ll explore the features that matter most, from crystal-clear displays to intuitive touch controls. This way, you can find the perfect IFP to create a more enjoyable learning or meeting experience.

The future of presentation and collaboration is here. Upgrade from your old whiteboard to Saptashankari’s Interactive Flat Panel and see the difference yourself.

Size and Resolution Considerations

Not all screens are created equal – the size and resolution you choose will significantly impact the overall user experience.

How can attendees possibly follow along with your presentation, when you use a panel with a screen too small and visuals too blurry?

For that reason, it’s crucial to ask yourself these questions before buying a flat panel:

  • Will everyone in the room have a clear view? This is crucial if you’re planning to install the panel in large classrooms or conference halls.
  • What type of content will you display? Detailed images and animations require high resolution.
  • What is the room’s lighting condition like? Brighter IFPs are better for well-lit areas.
  • How much are you willing to spend? Larger sizes and higher resolutions typically cost more.

As a general rule of thumb, follow these size and resolution recommendations:

  • Classrooms: A larger IFP (think 75″ and above) with high resolution (4K) ensures clear visibility for students even in the back row. This is crucial for displaying detailed text, diagrams, or intricate visuals.
  • Meeting rooms: Smaller rooms might benefit from a 65″ IFP, while larger halls can accommodate an 86″ or even a 98″ display. Resolution should be high (4K) for crisp presentations and video conferencing.
  • Digital signage: In high-traffic areas, a large IFP (86″ and above) with high brightness is ideal to grab attention. Resolution can vary depending on content; 4K is excellent for showcasing intricate details, while Full HD might suffice for simpler messages.

Touch Technology

An interactive flat panel wouldn’t be interactive without an intuitive touch screen.

That said, flat panel displays use different touch technologies, and understanding the pros and cons of each one will help you make an informed choice.

Here’s a comparison of different interactive displays:

Resistive Touch

A resistive screen places a touch-sensitive layer on top of a standard display. It detects pressure applied by either a finger or stylus pen, enabling users to annotate the screen.


  • Versatile touch detection. A resistive screen works well with even gloved fingers and almost any type of stylus-like items.


  • Requires heavy touches. A resistive technology can’t detect light touches – users have to apply heavy pressure to interact with the screen. As such, this type of display is more prone to damage in the long term.
  • Made for single touch. While a resistive screen can detect multiple touches, the accuracy and smoothness are not as good as capacitive touch.

Infrared Touch

An infrared touch technology allows you to interact with the screen with pretty much anything: wet fingers, bare hands, and stylus pens.

It works by generating invisible light beams. When you make contact with the screen, you disrupt these beams and tell them the exact touch location.


  • High responsiveness. Unlike resistive touch, you don’t need to push the screen too hard to write or draw.
  • Multi-touch capabilities. This type of screen supports up to 40-point input, making it perfect for team collaboration.


  • Not suitable for outdoor use. Since it relies on light beams, sunlight can interfere with IR sensors and disrupt touch detection.

Capacitive Touch

Capacitive touch relies on the electrical properties of the human body rather than pressure, making it highly responsive and accurate.

When a finger or a conductive stylus comes into contact with the screen, it distorts the screen’s electrostatic field, allowing the device to detect the touch point.


  • Touch sensitivity. A capacitive screen is highly sensitive to touch. In terms of producing accurate and precise input detection, it’s far better than both resistive and infrared technologies.
  • Durability. Compared to resistive screens, capacitive panels are less prone to scratches and can withstand frequent use in high-traffic environments. To make your screen even more durable, follow these installation and maintenance tips for interactive flat panels.


  • Doesn’t work well with non-conductive materials. This limitation can be inconvenient in environments where users need to wear gloves, such as in medical or industrial settings.

Connectivity Options

An interactive flat panel isn’t a standalone device – it relies on other tools and software to work properly.

When browsing a panel, make sure it offers several connectivity options:

  • HDMI and USB. With these ports, you can simply plug in your laptop, tablet, or flash drive to display video and audio content.
  • Bluetooth. Connect with IoT (internet of things) devices like a keyboard or mouse for easier navigation, and a wireless speaker for enhanced sound during presentations.
  • Wi-Fi. Seamlessly show presentation material from online resources, such as the web or your cloud storage.

Interactive Software Compatibility

Like any other tech-enabled devices, interactive flat panels are compatible with software.

Tools like Google Jamboard, SMART Notebook, Kahoot!, and Zoom help you add specific functionality to deliver a more dynamic presentation or learning experience.

However, the range of tools and platforms offered is different from one model to another. Make sure you pick the right IFP by following these tips:

  • Research software compatibility. Check the IFP manufacturer’s website or user manuals for a list of compatible software applications.
  • Consider future needs. Don’t just think about the software you plan to use now – anticipate your future needs as well. Choose a panel display that offers flexible and upgradable software.
  • Talk to the experts: Don’t hesitate to consult with IFP vendors or IT professionals. They can advise you on compatibility and recommend solutions based on your specific software needs.

Additional Features

Beyond the main functionality mentioned above, look for the following features when choosing an interactive panel display:

  • Built-in cameras and microphones
  • Built-in speakers and audio capabilities
  • Multi-touch capabilities
  • Stylus or pen support
  • Built-in operating system or compatibility with external devices
  • Warranty and support options


Interactive flat panels come in all shapes and sizes, and choosing the right one for your needs isn’t always easy.

Whether you’re using it in an educational setting or a business environment, selecting features that directly address your needs means getting the most out of your investment.

For example, a classroom Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) board will benefit from multi-touch capabilities and stylus support for interactive learning, while a conference room might prioritize a built-in camera for video conferencing.

If you’re still not sure, our experts here at Saptshankari is always ready to help. With almost a decade of experience in the industry, we know exactly the perfect flat panel for your needs.

Simply contact us today and tell us your requirements, and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Managing Director

Harshil Trivedi, the Managing Director of Saptshankari Private Limited, specializing in supplying cutting-edge IT products such as Interactive Flat Panels, Video Walls, Integrated Command and Control Centers, IT Infrastructures, Networking Solutions, and Fire Safety Services. Saptshankari is a market leader known for its best price guarantee, with a track record of satisfying over 500 clients and trusted by more than 920 schools for their IT needs.

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