Tripod Turnstile Gate

Explore a wide selection of tripod turnstile gates designed to ensure a seamless flow of visitors while also preventing unauthorised access.

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Tripod Turnstile Gate

Our tripod turnstile gate features three rotating arms or bars that effectively control the passage of individuals. When someone taps their RFID card, the rotating arms will be automatically unlocked, allowing them to pass through.

Automation Grade Automatic
Material SS
Brand Siddhi
Working Temperature 0-100 Degree C
Throughput Rate 25 – 30 persons per minute
Voltage 200 – 230V AC
IP Grade IP34
Item Weight 80 Kg

Stainless Steel Tripod Turnstile

Made from high-quality stainless steel, our tripod turnstile combines robust construction with an elegant design. Resistant to corrosion and wear, this turnstile is built to withstand heavy usage in demanding environments.

Beyond longevity, this barrier gate also adds a touch of sophistication to any outdoor setting, including transportation stations, sports stadiums, and concert venues.

Automation Grade Automatic
Material SS
Brand Siddhi
Working Temperature 0-100 Degree C
Throughput Rate 25 – 30 persons per minute
Voltage 200 – 230V AC
IP Grade IP34
Item Weight 80 Kg

Full Height Turnstile

This heavy-duty tripod turnstile is designed to restrict and monitor pedestrian traffic in high-security areas like prisons and military facilities.

Unlike traditional waist-high turnstiles, full-height turnstiles feature rotating barriers that extend from floor to ceiling, effectively preventing unauthorised individuals from climbing over or crawling under the barrier.

Automation Grade Automatic
Material SS
Brand Siddhi
Working Temperature 0-100 Degree C
Throughput Rate 25 – 30 persons per minute
Voltage 200 – 230V AC
IP Grade IP34
Item Weight 80 Kg

Security Tripod Turnstile

Experience a secure turnstile access control like never before, thanks to features like RFID card readers, biometric scanners, and anti-tailgating sensors.

This security tripod barrier also comes with audible and visual alarm systems to alert security personnel in case of forced entry or tampering with the barrier. In emergency situations, you can easily override the system for quick and safe passenger exits.

Automation Grade Automatic
Material SS
Brand Siddhi
Working Temperature 0-100 Degree C
Throughput Rate 25 – 30 persons per minute
Voltage 200 – 230V AC
IP Grade IP34
Item Weight 80 Kg

Tripod Turnstile Access Control System

Easily monitor visitor flow and manage pedestrian access, all in one centralised dashboard.

Each administrator has the freedom to set access permissions, track user activity, generate reports, as well as integrate with security management software, CCTV cameras, and alarm systems for complete protection.

Automation Grade Automatic
Material SS
Brand Siddhi
Working Temperature 0-100 Degree C
Throughput Rate 25 – 30 persons per minute
Voltage 200 – 230V AC
IP Grade IP34
Item Weight 80 Kg

Automatic Tripod Turnstile Gate

No more pressing a button every time someone is passing through your security turnstile gate.Equipped with advanced sensors and RFID card readers, our automatic tripod turnstile gate detects authorised individuals as they approach, triggering the swift opening of the rotating arms.

Automation Grade Automatic
Material SS
Brand Siddhi
Working Temperature 0-100 Degree C
Throughput Rate 25 – 30 persons per minute
Voltage 200 – 230V AC
IP Grade IP34
Item Weight 80 Kg

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    Who We Are

    Saptshankari - Leading Manufacturer and Supplier of tripod turnstile gate

    Saptshankari is a leading manufacturer and supplier of tripod turnstile gates for metro stations, shopping centres, and office buildings, trusted by over 500 satisfied clients in India.

    Backed by 8+ years of hands-on experience and 50+ talented team members, we’re expanding our presence to the entire tapestry of India, and soon, the neighbouring Gulf and African countries.

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    Have a Question? Ask our expert

    A tripod turnstile barrier is a type of pedestrian access control gate. Unlike flap or swing barriers, it’s equipped with three rotating arms or bars that control the flow of foot traffic through a designated passage.

    Tripod turnstile barriers work by requiring users to present valid credentials, such as RFID cards or biometric scans. Upon authentication, the rotating arms or bars rotate to allow authorised passage and then return to the closed position to prevent unauthorised access.

    Tripod turnstile barriers are commonly present in shopping centres, bus stations, office buildings, and government facilities. Beyond controlling pedestrian access, it’s also used to enhance security.

    There are several advantages of using a tripod turnstile barrier. Most of the time, people use it to manage pedestrian flow while ensuring that no intruder can gain access to the building or certain areas of the establishment.

    Tripod turnstile barriers support various authentication methods, including RFID and NFC card readers, fingerprint and facial recognition, barcode readers, QR code scanners, and ticketing systems.

    Of course. Simply tell us what you want to customise, whether you need a custom colour, branding identity placement, or configuration settings tailored to the specific needs and preferences of your organisation.

    It depends on the model and manufacturer. At Saptshankari, you can find weather-resistant and durable tripod turnstile barriers suitable for outdoor use, such as amusement parks, sports stadiums, and outdoor event venues.

    Tripod turnstile barriers typically require regular cleaning, mechanical components inspection, and occasional lubrication to ensure optimal performance. If you don’t have the time, you can always call a turnstile professional to do the job for you.

    Yes, tripod turnstile barriers can seamlessly integrate with existing security systems, from CCTV cameras and alarm systems to building management systems for comprehensive building protection and access control.

    It depends on the manufacturer and supplier. If you want to know the estimated tripod turnstile price based on your specific requirements, simply reach out to our team. We will come back with a detailed cost estimation as soon as possible.

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